Latest Article: Anunnaki: Ancient Visitors or Reptilian Mythological Beings?

The ancient Sumerians, one of the earliest known civilizations, have left us with a wealth of stories and legends that continue to intrigue and mystify us. Among the most fascinating of these tales are the accounts of the Anunnaki, beings from the stars who supposedly descended to Earth thousands of years ago. Let's explore this captivating subject, dissecting the myths and legends and considering the possible meanings behind them.
Anunnaki: Ancient Visitors or Reptilian Mythological Beings?

Most Viewed Article: Cathars

The Cathars were a religious sect that emerged in the Languedoc region of Southern France during the 12th century. They held beliefs deemed heretical by the Catholic Church, including the rejection of materialism, denial of the sacraments, and belief in dualism, viewing the material world as inherently evil. Cathar communities were centered around principles of asceticism and spiritual purity. The Cathars faced persecution from the Catholic Church, which culminated in the Albigensian Crusade launched against them in the 13th century. Despite efforts to suppress them, Catharism persisted in some areas until the 14th century.